I:40 Print & Apparel


I:40 Race Serice (Founded March 2012)

I:40 Awards & Engraving (Founded April 2018)

I:40 Print & Apparel (Founded March 2020)

I:40 began as I:40 Race Service, a race timing company started by Martin and Jessica Updike for the purpose of timing 5k runs in NE Oklahoma. I:40 has a double meaning referring to the inspirational passage Isaiah 40:21-31 and Interstate 40 that runs through our service area. 

Click Here to visit the I:40 Race Service Website

The company first expanded in 2018 with the addition of I:40 Awards & Engraving and a phyiscal location at 812 East Side Blvd in Muskgoee, OK.  We provide personalized gifts & awards for schools, youth sports, businesses, and non-profits.  We also offer engraving service. 

Click Here to visit the I:40 Awards & Engraving Website

Founder of I:40 - Martin Updike

I was born and raised in Muskogee and I'm very proud to be a a 3rd generation Muskogee business owner.  If you are with a Firm, small business, or non-profit, we hope that we can provide you with the print services you need to fulfill your mission.  For individuals, we love filling the gaps of the printing you can't do at home.